Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Put you app on jailbreak iOS devices.

It is not necessary, but I want to save $100 for now and pay it same time later.

I followed method 2 this tutorial.

ldid, in its git repo, does not contain some head files. I found them in "". Remember update the SDK version. For me, they are xcode 6 and iOS 8.1.

game dev solution(incompleted)

I am focusing on cross-platform game dev, majorly mobile.

Graphics engine

Ogre3d is promising. It is a commercial standard lib with MIT license. There exist successful game like torchlight based on it. It starts from desktops and officially supports main stream mobile platforms. I verified android and iOS. The performance are good enough on built in samples. On my One Plus phone, everything is 60 fps. On iPad mini2, samples with 20000 triangles run at around 27 fps, while simpler samples can hit the 30 fps cap easily. Ogre 3d is the best free graphics solution so far.

You might also check irrlicht. It supports mobile in dev branch.




To be updated.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

MyGUI mit now

It was LGPL. Now there is one more option other than librocket.